Title | Type | Author | AR Info Level / Points | Awards |
Anderson's Fairy Tales | Fiction | Anuersen, Hans Ch... | 6.3 / 7 | |
Android, The | Fiction | Applegate, K. A. | | |
Andy And The Lion | Fiction | Daugherty, James | | |
Andy And The Tire | Fiction | Craig Lovik, Mark... | | |
Andy, Thats My Name | Fiction | Depaola | | |
Angel Child, Dragon Child | Fiction | Mai, Story By Mic... | | |
Angel Tree, The | Fiction | Benedis-grab, Daphne | 5.7 / 7 | |
Angel's Mother's Baby | Fiction | Delton, Judy | | |
Angels In The Dust (Internationa... | Fiction | Margot Theis Rave... | | |
Angus And Sadie | Fiction | Leigh, Cynthia Vo... | | |
Animal Adventures | Fiction | Wilder, Laura Ing... | | |
Animal Babies | Fiction | Hamsa, Bobbie | 1 / 0.5 | |
Animal Babies | NF | Gregor, Arthur | | |
Animal Dads | Fiction | Collard, Sneed | 3.9 / | |
Animal Farm | Fiction | Orwell, George | | |
Animal Hospital | Fiction | Walker-hodge, Wri... | 2.7 / | |
Animal Rescue | Fiction | Andrus, Aubre | | |
Animal Shelter Mystery #22 (Box... | Fiction | Warner, Gertrude ... | | |
Animal Shelter Mystery, The | Fiction | Warner, Gertrude ... | | |
Animals | Fiction | Farrell, Russell | | |
Animals (Easy Answers To 1st Sci... | NF | Q. L. Pearce, Gil... | | |
Animals Around The World | NF | Dk | | |
Animals Nobody Loves | NF | Simon, Seymour | | |
Animorphs #24 : The Suspicion (A... | Fiction | Applegate, K.a. | | |
Animorphs #24 : The Suspicion (A... | Fiction | Applegate, K.a. | | |