Mrs. Jeepers' Batty Vacation

By Debbie Dadey, Marcia Jones, John Steven Gurney (illustrator)

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Student Comments:

  • An alumnus wrote, This book was about a vacation. In the vacation their was four kids Howie,Liza,Melody. And one day they were by a willow tree and it was the last day of school. And Howie said"This is going to be the worst summer ever." And they all said"Why?"Well my dad said him and I half to go on his science meeting. So they were all said that he had to go. So Eddie had an idiea. His idea was to convinse howie's dad to now bring howie So they dried it. His dad said "I have that caverd."His dad said"All of you can come too!" His dad said So the 3rd grade teacher who they thought was a vampire. They visited a castel. At the castel they found lots of secrit passages,with lots of bat's and bat poop. They found a torture chamber that they use for streaching the vampiers to make them taller. They were chased by a vimpire that took their friend. It terns out they meet the vampire and he was a nice guy. If you want to find out what happines you have to read Mrs.Jeeper's Batty Vacation. November 30, 2012.